Time to slow down

As the title suggest I'm writing this post to announce my break. I'm afraid it's a little late to do that after the long time when I wasn't publishing, but that lack of post wasn't planned and I can write that it was a surprise for me as well. 

I don't wan't to stop publishing, but I think it's time to limit the number of my texts here and concentrate on writing. Actually I have two stories in my mind and I really hope to end them. In that case my posts will be rather rare, but to not get rid of Let me tell you a fairy tale I decided not to delete my blog and continue my work on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. I'll publish there information if I add a new note here. 

I don't want to write abut date when I come back to regular publishing here. I don't know it. It is also true that I started with something totally diffrerent, a place to share my stories with you and after epilogue it turned into today's blog. Now I'm not sure if that's good for me. I'm more writer than reviwer. I love books and I admire the good one, but my texts are rather reflections than reviews. Maybe I'll find my way to continue my adventure with my website. I really hope I'll do it and that I'll improve Let me tell you a fairy tale.

(New post at LMTYAFT's social media accounts will arrive today).

Hope to write here again soon!
See you!



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